Thursday, May 26, 2011


Life as a sports parent is chaos...I feel like I am always on the run and not getting anywhere fast. I will be spending my third night this week driving my kids to out of town games, and the week is not over yet. 

I am looking forward to the season ending so that we can get back to normal for a brief time before the football season starts. I love the fact that my kids are athletic and I don't have to force them into joining extra curricular sports but it makes for a whirl wind life style during the seasons that they play. I feel like I am never home and never get to spend any time with my family. I am looking forward to the summer when we can spend some time out at the lake just relaxing and hanging out together. Fingers crossed that will actually happen...with the crazy roller derby season ahead of me who knows what will happen.
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
8:00 - Lift off
8:30 - Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
9:30 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar
12:00 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an orange
5:30 - Not sure yet as supper will be on the run unless I can convince my daughter to have something ready when I get home, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

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