Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Being Sick Sucks!

Been home with sick kids today so no time to write...hopefully I will have some more time tomorrow :)

Being sick sucks and it sucks more when your kids are sick. I am just glad there were no 'messes' for me to clean up.

I am looking forward to going outside for a skate this evening and getting some fresh air after being stuck inside all day.

Have a gooder and see you all tomorrow :) 

Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
9:00 - an HerbaLife protein bar
12:00 - Crackers and cheese, roast beef, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:30 - H30 and outdoor skating
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Monday, May 30, 2011


Hey all, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I know that I did. Had a great time at the game in Regina on Saturday watching some awesome derby and then celebrating my birthday at the after party :)

I am at a loss for what to write about today...I am feeling rather uninspired lol

I will come up with a good topic for tomorrow to make up for it. Have a fabulous day :D
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
9:30 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar and Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
12:00 - Spinach, tuna, tomato and orange salad, yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

Food for Sunday:

12:00 - Chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat from Timmies, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar
5:30 - Hamburger helper, multivitamin, flora-fiber

Food for Saturday:

8:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
9:00 - H30 and Challenge class (lots of running and core work)
10:30 - an HerbaLife protein bar
1:00 - Pizza Hut lunch buffet (pizza, salad and pasta), multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
4:00 - an apple
9:30 - Egg salad and ham wraps and tossed salad after the bout
9:30 - birthday drinks - I am really not sure how many I had lol

And water, water and more water :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Chaos Continues!

Alright, the weekend is nearly here. Time for some rest an relaxation....haha yeah right! I have practice tonight, a boot camp class tomorrow morning as well as renos, going to work at the bout in Regina in the evening and then I have to take my kids to yet another out of town lacrosse game on Sunday. 

Chaos is a friend of mine. ~~ Bob Dylan

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Kettlebell Boot camp
8:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an apple, Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
10:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, and an orange

12:10 - Salmon on whole grain crackers, red pepper, mozza cheese, an apple, yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Every passion borders on the chaotic, but the collector's passion borders on the chaos of memories.  ~~ Walter Benjamin

Hope you all have a rockin' weekend!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Life as a sports parent is chaos...I feel like I am always on the run and not getting anywhere fast. I will be spending my third night this week driving my kids to out of town games, and the week is not over yet. 

I am looking forward to the season ending so that we can get back to normal for a brief time before the football season starts. I love the fact that my kids are athletic and I don't have to force them into joining extra curricular sports but it makes for a whirl wind life style during the seasons that they play. I feel like I am never home and never get to spend any time with my family. I am looking forward to the summer when we can spend some time out at the lake just relaxing and hanging out together. Fingers crossed that will actually happen...with the crazy roller derby season ahead of me who knows what will happen.
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
8:00 - Lift off
8:30 - Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
9:30 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar
12:00 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an orange
5:30 - Not sure yet as supper will be on the run unless I can convince my daughter to have something ready when I get home, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Back on my Wheels!

Today is the day! 

I am back on skates today! I have been off them for over a week and I am so pumped to finally be putting them back on. My self inflicted hiatus has been tough but I stuck with it so that my ankle could finally have some rest. 

I am very glad to be back skating as there is roughly 6 weeks until our next game and I need to get  working on my endurance! With being hurt and all the prep work that we were doing for our last game we have not done much endurance work lately.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream ~~ C.S. Lewis 

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Spin & Core
8:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, a banana, Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea 
10:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, and an orange
12:10 - Spinach salad with tuna, red pepper and apple, yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back to the Grind!

Well it's back to the daily grind today. I quite enjoyed my long weekend and wish it had not gone by so fast. But alas it is over and I am back to work today.
I am crazy busy playing catch up and so I do not have a lot of time today. I hope the day after the long weekend was not too hard on all of you and that you have a fabulous week.
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
9:30 - a banana and a HerbaLife protein bar, Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
12:00 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an orange
5:30 - Smokies and spinach salad, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Well it's been a good weekend. I finally got to spend some time with my family. We went and played laser quest. Such good fun chasing the kids through the maze and trying not to get tagged. Can't wait till we can go and do it again.

I hope you all had a great weekend too!

Food for Saturday:

10:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
12:30 - Taco in a bag and a HerbaLife protein bar, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Food for Sunday:

11:00 - Breakfast hash (hashbrowns, bacon and eggs), toast, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
1:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, a banana multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
2:30 - ice cream sundae
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar
5:30 - Pork chop and a lettuce and spinach salad, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - taco dip and tortilla chips and a few coolers

And water, water and more water :)

Food for today:

11:00 - scrambled eggs and toast, a banana, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
2:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
4:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and a banana
6:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
9:00 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rest and Recovery!

Well I don't know about the rest of you in derbyland, but I am looking forward to nothing but rest and relaxation this long weekend. The only thing on my agenda is a couple of lacrosse practices for the kids and one lacrosse game.

I hope you all take some time for yourselves to recover both mentally and physically from whatever challenges you in your day to day life.

Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.  ~~ Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A.A. Milne 

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Kettlebell Bootcamp
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, and an apple
1:30 - Salmon on whole grain crackers, yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice ( I will not be on skates however as I am giving my ankle some more time to rest and finish healing )
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.  ~~ Spanish Proverb

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Burger Buffet! Today is our big fundraiser for our Relay for Life team. 

Looking forward to hanging out with my derby sisters to raise some money for this awesome event. We'll get to have a good supper and meet some more of the fabulous folks of Moose Jaw as they come out an support our relay team.

The event itself is on June 3-4. We will be hanging out and walking with all the other teams. Can't wait till we start figuring out what our team costumes are going to be.

I love hanging out with these lovely ladies. And what better way than to hang out with them and raise money for such a good cause.

Amendment to yesterday's log:
Supper ended up being 2 protein bars as I had no time between getting home and needing to get my kids to the rink for lacrosse. And I had a bag of chips at the rink while watching my kids play lacrosse

Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
8:00 - Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
9:30 - an apple and almonds
12:10 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an orange and 2 kiwi's
5:30 - Burger Buffet (Relay for Life Fundraiser supper), multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hump Day!

Well I have hit that mid week wall. I am feeling very tired and lazy today. 
I made it to my class which usually helps keep my energy level up throughout the day but today however it does not seen to be helping. Would really love to go curl up on my couch and watch a movie right now.
I am hoping my energy level picks up soon as I have a busy evening ahead of me. My kids have lacrosse tonight and I also have practice tonight. However I am sure that the majority of the time at practice will be spent discussing our game that we played on Saturday as this is the first time the team has all been back together since. We will be talking about the penalties that we took (which weren't that many) and how we can work on cleaning those up so we take even less next time.
Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Spin & Core
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an apple and Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
11:30 - an orange and an HerbaLife protein bar
1:30 - Salmon on whole grain crackers, yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice ( I will not be on skates however as I am giving my ankle some time to rest and finish healing )
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Planning, planning and more planning!

Let the chaos begin! We have just confirmed the date for our very first home game. July 9th is the big day, but between now and then there is a ton of work that needs to be done.

We need to nail down all the details and get prepared so that we can show Moose Jaw what derby is all about. I can't wait to have another chance to play with the lovely ladies of Swift Current!
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
9:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
11:00 - Beverage Mix
12:10 - Tuna on whole grain crackers, yogurt, an orange, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:15 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:00 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack
And water, water and more water :)

Monday, May 16, 2011


OMG! What an amazing weekend.

We played our very first bout on Saturday and what an incredible experience. Unfortunately we did not come out on the winning side in the score but we had a ton of fun and learned so very much.
I want to send a huge thank you out the lovely Redneck Betties for hosting this incredible event. Can't wait to have you all come back to Moose Jaw to do it all over again! 
My body is recovering both from being sick last week and the beating that  I took on the track. I am not feeling to bad overall considering. I did however not make to to any of my classes over the last week. I hope to be back on track before my Wed class.
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
8:00 - green tea from TImmies
9:30 - almonds and an apple
12:10 - Salmon on whole grain crackers, yogurt, an orange, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:15 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:00 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack
And water, water and more water :)

10:30 - ham, eggs, toast, fruit, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
12:10 - 2 soft tacos, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:15 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
9:00 - an a HerbaLife protein bar
And water, water and more water :)

8:00 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
10:30 - breakfast hash (bacon, hashbrowns, onions and eggs)
12:10 - a HerbaLife protein bar, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
4:15 - homemade hamburger on a 12 grain bun, Caesar salad, fruit, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby game
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar and a ham sub on whole wheat

And water, water and more water :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

1 More Sleep!!

Ok so I have not been very diligent with posting this week. In my defense though I have been sick with the flu. So my meals the last 3 days consisted of water, ginger ale, chicken noodle soup, crackers and plain chips. Today I am finally feeling like myself again and back on a normal diet. And just in time too as our big game is tomorrow!



I am very excited and nervous for the game! It's going to be so much fun but at the same time very intense.

I want to say a huge thank you to the lovely ladies from PBDC that are filling the empty holes in our roster that appeared due to injury and attendance issues. I can't wait to play with you tomorrow!

And another huge thank you to the lovely ladies of the South West Sask Roller Derby league for hosting this awesome sold out event!

I will report back later in the weekend with all the details :)

Hope you all have a fabulous derby filled weekend!

Food for today:

10:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
12:10 - Salmon on whole grain crackers, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:15 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:00 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack and some pasta (carbs for tomorrow's game!)
And water, water and more water :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

5 More Sleeps!!

As the big day creeps ever closer I am getting more and more excited and nervous.

There feels like there is still so much to learn but alas we are out of time. Now we need to work on everything that we have learned and make sure that everyone is clear on it all.

This week we will review strategy and finalize our lineups. Looking forward to having those nailed down so there is no confusion the day of as to who is on a line up with who. We have so much talent on our roster I hope we can find the most effective way to utilize all of it to it's fullest potential. 

I hope you all have a fabulous derby filled week :)
Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Spin & Core
8:00 - green tea
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
10:30 - an orange and almonds
12:10 - Salmon on whole grain crackers, apple sauce, yogurt and cheese cake, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:15 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack
And water, water and more water :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope everyone had a fabulous derby filled weekend. And I hope all of the mom's out there had a fantastic day. Mine was filled with renos, lacrosse and family. ( My daughter scored her first goal tonight :D )

I will write more tomorrow, I promise.

Amendment to yesterday's log:
Had some guacamole and taco dip with tortilla chips with some of my fabulous derby sisters :)

Food for today:

11:30 - Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and toast, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and a bag of cheezies
5:30 - Steak, broccoli salad, mushrooms, garlic toast and cheese cake, multivitamin, flora-fiber

And water, water and more water :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Game Prep Day!

Well the plan for today is to work on getting ready for game day. Going to sit down with my bench coach and work out some line ups for us to try at practice this week and see how effective they are. 

This whole process is going to be a challenge as neither of us have coach a team in this kind of capacity before. I am sure that we will get it all worked out it's just a matter of getting over the current hurdles that are ahead of us.

Wishing you all a derby filled day :) 

Food for today:

10:20 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
12:30 - Taco in a bag (lunch on the run at the rink during the kids practices), multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber

And water, water and more water :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

8 more Days!!

So the count down is on. There is 8 more days until the big game.

I am nervous and excited at the same time. The team has elected me as team captain for this game. I will have my girl Amy helping me out on the bench but we have yet to determine who's going to be helping her. There is so much to learn so that the bench will run smoothly. I hope we get it all worked out soon.

Today we have some of PBDC's zebra crew coming out to help us by calling penalties during our scrimmage to make sure we are keeping our game clean.

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club wont be worth a dime.
~~ Babe Ruth

So I have one amendment to my log from yesterday. I did NOT have any wine with the movie.

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Kettle-bell Boot Camp
8:00 - green tea
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
10:30 - an orange and almonds
12:10 - Spinach and tomato salad with smoked salmon, raspberry vinaigrette dressing and yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack
And water, water and more water :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

On the Road to Burn Out!

I am taking a night off. 
This has been such a long week I have had meetings,  practices and games every night so far with more to come.
Tonight there is nothing on the agenda and I am so looking forward to taking the night off and snuggling up on the couch with my boyfriend and the kids and settling in for a movie night.
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
8:20 - green tea
9:30 - an apple and almonds
12:10 -HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - an orange and an HerbaLife protein bar
6:30 - Not sure yet thinking maybe soft tacos ( the kids and my boyfriend love 'em ), multivitamin, flora-fiber
8:00 - probably will share a bottle of wine to go with the movies :)

And water, water and more water :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So I got busted last night for not being 100% honest on my food log. 

Now that is not to say that I haven't been following the plan and eating everything that I have been telling you about. But occasionally I have additional food or beverage items. For example, last night we had a bout committee meeting and I had a tall gin and cranberry to drink while we had our meeting. On Friday we had a board meeting and I had some stuff out of the deep fryer :(

So from now on I will be adding any additional food or drink items to the following days blog post...

Now on another on another topic, tonight is our second last team practice before bout day. I have a few, what I think are going to be good, drills planned for us to work on packwork and jammer skills. I hope everyone gives 110% today as we are going to finalize our positions and build our lineups for the game.

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Spin & Core
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an apple, and green tea
10:30 - 2 kiwi's and cheddar cheese
12:10 - Spinach and tomato salad with smoked salmon, raspberry vinaigrette dressing and yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a banana and almonds
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

And water, water and more water :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Day of Rest!

Well it was so good to see all the smiling new faces at practice last night. They all did so very well. They are going to pick up everything very quickly and be benchmarked before we know it.
Hopefully once we get them all benchmarked we will be able to have some intraleague home games :)
I am hoping that none of them are feeling any ill effects from their first practice and take advantage of this day of rest to recover any sore muscles they have so that they can come out in full force at practice on Friday. 

Food for today:

6:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
8:20 - green tea and banana bread
9:00 - a banana and almonds
12:10 -HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - an apple and an HerbaLife protein bar
6:30 - Pork chops and a spinach salad, multivitamin, flora-fiber

And water, water and more water :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Derby Days!

Derby derby and more derby! 

Wow, what an awesome derby filled weekend I had and this week will be filled with even more derby action.

I got to watch the lovely ladies of PBDC play their home opener while I worked the penalty box for them. And I got to play in a fantastic scrimmage with girls from our club and several other clubs. 

Tonight all of our new skaters come out to join our practices for the first time. Tuesday our bout planning committee is meeting to start getting things rolling for our upcoming home season. Wednesday is team practice to start fine tuning things before our big breakout bout on the 14th. Friday is league practice where we bring all the girls together to skate.

We only have a few practices left before the big game but hopefully we can bring everything we have learned together and play effectively as a team.

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
6:00 - H30 and Fitness Test
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an apple, and green tea
10:30 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar
12:10 - Salmon on whole grain crackers , multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar

And water, water and more water :)