Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Challenge Workout!

The workout for this challenge will consist of 2 things:

Mo "Quadilla L.K." Sanders has put together a kick ass off skates plyometric workout to help you get the explosive power and strength you need to fly around the track! He has created a series of videos that detail each of the exercises. For the challenge you will be doing 30 minutes of plyos 2 x per week (be sure to give yourself 48-72 hours in between the 2 sessions).

No, not the trippin kind! Long steady distance to increase endurance. This week it was 3 sets of 2 minutes of steady skating at a fast pace. The duration will increase weekly! (Not a skater? This can be done on a treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair climber, or even...gasp...outside!!!)


1. Big Skips

2. Bunny Hops

3. One Leg Jumps

4. Frog/ Broad Jumps

5. Side to Side Jumps

6. High Kicks

7. Fast Feet

8. Intro and Jump Ups

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, florafiber

6:00 - H30 and Spin & Core class

8:00 - green tea

8:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar

10:30 - an apple, an a HerbaLife protein bar

12:10 - Deer sausage, red pepper, snap peas, whole grain crackers, goat cheese, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, florafiber

1:00 - 30oz water with  2 scoops HerbaLife Beverage mix, 1 tsp. HerbaLife Brazilian Herbal Tea and 1 tsp. HerbaLife Herbal Tea Concentrate

3:00 - an apple, an a HerbaLife protein bar

5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, florafiber

7:00 - H30 and derby practice

9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar

And water, water and more water :)

Happy Derby Day!!

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