Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pre Bout Jitters!

The pre bout jitters are starting to set in. 

I am excited to be playing in my first rookie scrimmage but at the same time I am disappointed. My boyfriend had planned to come and watch but now he is unfortunately not able to come due to work. Trying to keep my nerves under control but it is proving to be a bit of a challenge. I am hoping that as the days creep by I will not be as nervous.

But I have tons to do at work today so this is short and sweet :)

Food for today:

5:15 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, florafiber
6:00 - H30 and Spin & Core class
8:00 - green tea from Timmies
8:30 - a HerbaLife protein bar and an apple
10:30 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar
12:10 - Pot luck day at work (Hopefully there are lots of healthy things to choose from. I brought Artichoke dip.), multivitamin, cell activator, total control, florafiber
1:00 - 30oz water with  2 scoops HerbaLife Beverage mix, 1 tsp. HerbaLife Brazilian Herbal Tea and 1 tsp. HerbaLife Herbal Tea Concentrate
3:00 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with PP and PDM, multivitamin, florafiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar

And water, water and more water :)

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