Monday, May 30, 2011


Hey all, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I know that I did. Had a great time at the game in Regina on Saturday watching some awesome derby and then celebrating my birthday at the after party :)

I am at a loss for what to write about today...I am feeling rather uninspired lol

I will come up with a good topic for tomorrow to make up for it. Have a fabulous day :D
Food for today:

6:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
9:30 - an apple and a HerbaLife protein bar and Herbal Tea Concentrate and Brazilian Herbal Tea
12:00 - Spinach, tuna, tomato and orange salad, yogurt, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar, an apple
5:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, flora-fiber
7:00 - H30 and derby practice
9:30 - an a HerbaLife protein bar or other high protein snack

Food for Sunday:

12:00 - Chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat from Timmies, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
3:00 - a HerbaLife protein bar
5:30 - Hamburger helper, multivitamin, flora-fiber

Food for Saturday:

8:30 - HerbaLife shake with 3 tsp. PP and 1 scoop PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber 
9:00 - H30 and Challenge class (lots of running and core work)
10:30 - an HerbaLife protein bar
1:00 - Pizza Hut lunch buffet (pizza, salad and pasta), multivitamin, cell activator, total control, flora-fiber
4:00 - an apple
9:30 - Egg salad and ham wraps and tossed salad after the bout
9:30 - birthday drinks - I am really not sure how many I had lol

And water, water and more water :)

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