Thursday, April 7, 2011

Curve Ball!!

Last night a huge curve ball was thrown into my coaching world.

One of my skaters got seriously hurt at practice. Now I have never coached a team before roller derby and I am not exactly sure how to handle this situation. So I am a bit of an emotional mess right now, which is a bit of a problem for my wellness plan as I am an emotional eater. I have done well so far and resisted visiting the vending machine, hopefully my will power holds. 

Needless to say I am not having a very productive day at work. Last night after she got hurt I went to the hospital with her, rode in the ambulance and everything. We hung out waited, got x-rayed and finally diagnosed. Then they had to refer her to an orthopedic surgeon in another city. So the plan from there was to cast her and send her home for the night and then see the surgeon this morning. Due to other emergencies coming in the nurses were not able to assist with the cast/splint process so her mom and I stepped up and helped out so that she could get the heck out of there. I kept a brave face, but it was very hard to have to cause her pain in order to cast her leg. I hope she can forgive me eventually.

She is currently hanging out waiting for surgery. They have to put a plate and some screws into her leg to hold everything together so that it can heal properly. I am so very torn and wish that I could be there with her offering my support even though I know she has her family with her doing that exact same thing.

Now I realize that injuries can happen at any time to anyone and we cannot live in fear of them. But I have still been affected by this. I hope she doesn't mind being immortalized in my blog but I felt the need to ramble about this and just "talk" it through...

Food for today:
6:30 - HerbaLife shake with protein powder(3 teaspoons) and 1 scoop PDM (protein drink mix), multivitamin, cell activator, total control, florafiber
8:00 - green tea from Timmies 
9:00 - an apple, an a HerbaLife protein bar and yogurt
12:10 - HerbaLife shake with protein powder and PDM, multivitamin, cell activator, total control, florafiber
1:00 - 30oz water with HerbaLife Beverage mix (2 scoops), HerbaLife Brazilian Herbal Tea (1 teaspoon) and HerbaLife Herbal Tea Concentrate (1 teaspoon)
3:00 - an apple, an a HerbaLife protein bar and yogurt
6:30 - Spinach salad, raspberry vinaigrette dressing, red pepper, chicken, cheese, multivitamin, florafiber

And water, water and more water :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG Ace...I have been creeping on the blogs now and then but somehow missed this blog? GEEZ woman so sorry - I wish I'd have woken up and posted before this!

    Thanks for the mention in the blog - although it'd be better if it was for an awesome performance at practice instead of for injury! LOL. I hope that your will power did hold out and you didn't emotionally eat too much the next day - it was bad enough you missed out on a ton of sleep!

    I can never thank you enough for being there for me that night - I really don't know if I have thanked you the way I should have! It meant so much to have you there with was so great to have the support. It took forever and meant a lot that you girls stuck it out with me, kept me distracted and just were so supportive! It was a late night for all of you. But biggest thanks for sure was that you helped with splinting my leg. Honestly, sooo glad you did that and I have told everyone how awesome you were were! You're such a tough cookie and I'm so used to listening to you in practice that I had no qualms with you being the one to splint it! Thank you so, so much for being tough and putting your brave face on!

    Girl, thanks so much for being there for me - as a coach, teammate, and friend...I can never thank you enough for being there that night and doing everything you did! you ROCK!
    -A-min 4 U
